Advertise here for free

Are you a miniature designer/sculptor get your company website, Patreon, Etsy, Shapeways MyMiniFactory, Kickstarter etc. listed here for totally free, no strings. This site ranks highly. Anyone, organic search is still a thing you know.


These campaigns may come and go

Kickstarter most funded starhip projects now

Miniatures Premade

These are old school metal, resin and plastic models, some have been in production for decades. As you can play Full Thrust within any background all ships are considered.

Miniatures Print on Demand

Due to the wide availability of 3D printing these services have come to dominate miniature production, but they can be expensive and quality varies. No endorsement intended if suppliers are unlicensed creators of popular genres.

Miniatures Print at Home

Due to the wide availability of 3D printing these services where you buy/subscribe or just download a free STL file have become very popular. These are the most cost effective ways to build a fleet.

If you don't have a printer here is a list of 3D printers, who say they will do it on a commission basis. Caveat Emptor these supplies are not endorsed/vetted.

Scratchbuilding miniatures

There are various ways to play games with low cost DIY miniatures or print your own counters

Other Miniature Listings

Resources which maintain a list of starship miniatures may be out of date:

Miniature Scales

There are various scales of miniatures here is an overview for reference from the largest models (large scale) 1:2500 to the smallest models (small scale) 1:7000.

The actual scale ration varies within a category and some fleets that have huge ships would use a very small scale, think a Culture General Systems Vehicles (GSV) is 53 km long so a 5.3 cm model would be at 1:1000000.

Star Ranger SCN has in depth scale classifications of many popular gaming systems.


Agents of Gaming


Are you a miniature designer get your company, patreon, etsy, shapeways etc. listed here for free