Advertise here for free
Are you a miniature designer/sculptor get your company website, Patreon, Etsy, Shapeways MyMiniFactory, Kickstarter etc. listed here for totally free, no strings. This site ranks highly. Anyone, organic search is still a thing you know.
These campaigns may come and go
Kickstarter most funded starhip projects now
Kickstarter - Starships Fleets, Creepy Head Studios
Kickstarter - Kaeru & Co, Starship Miniatures & Maps, 0 Hour
Kickstarter - Cervantes, Starship Maps & Miniature, 0 Hour
Kickstarters - 0 Hour's project list 52 so far
Kickstarter - Starship V - Sleipnir, Crew Miniatures and Deck Designer, 2ns Dynasty
Kickstarter - Brave Sun - Starship Miniatures Game, Blitz Gaming
Kickstarter - Brave Sun Advent Calendar, Blitz Gaming
Kickstarter - Star Crush Starship Miniatures Production, Crucible Crush
Miniatures Premade
These are old school metal, resin and plastic models, some have been in production for decades. As you can play Full Thrust within any background all ships are considered.
Ground Zero Games the Full Thrust range
Brigade Models 1/3000 spaceships and air dreadnoughts
Scale Creep Miniatures sell Brigade Models range
Scale Creep Miniatures Brigade resellers of 1/3000 line
ADB Starline 2400 licensed Star Trek range from 1980s
ADB Starline 2500 larger licensed Star Trek range from 1980s
Dreampod 9 - Jovian Wars kickstarters for their ship ranges
Monday Knight Productions game mats and Galactic Knights range
Alternative Armies fleet scale mecha & UM006 USEME starship battle rules
StarBlazers anime miniatures for Star Blazers fleet battle system resin with photo etched
Studio Bergstrom wide range of popular genres in range of scales, Axanar ships, not Trek, cyborgons & babylonians
Iliada Game Studio laser cut starship kits & acrylic bases
Ravenstar Studios Cold Navy, Battlestar Colonials, Earth Core & Horrid bio-ships, range of resin models
Iron Wind Metals Battlestar Wolf Star Shipyard & Battletech Aerospace
Federation models resin kits mostly not Trek at 1:1000
Irregular Miniatures not Trek metal ships, not Feds, not Orions, not Klinks, not Kzin
Kallistra Space Dreadnought 3000, metal, 60 different spaceship models in the range depicting 7 different galactic forces plus merchant vessels
Ninja Magic With Hostile Intent metal range of ships from Agents of Gaming
Agents of Gaming Babylon 5 and Ninja Magic With Hostile Intent kits
Silent Death metal & plastic fighters, gunships, corvettes bio-ships
Galactic Knights old metal range of large fleet ships
Fantastic Plastic large range of vintage and modern plastic SciFi kits
Ralpartha Europe - Battletech Aerotech metal captital ships and fighters
Ralpartha Europe - Noble Armada set in the Fading Suns universe several metal fleet sets
The Plastic Solider Company Red Alert plastic gaming pieces limited stock
Khurasan Miniatures two fleet factions and a planet killer
Magister Militum range of ships & bases
Bad Azz model kits resin garage kits Galatica, Trek, Stargate
eM4 Miniatures A Billion Suns fighters out of stock, these are the plastic Silent Death range
CinC FASA Regenade Legion metal fighters and grav tanks
Starship Modeler range of larger scale plastic, resin, lighting & photo etch kits
Vanguard Miniatures not Gothic, Battlegroup Helios range of fleets, fighters & ordnance
Firestorm Armada was Spartan Games now War Cradle no miniatures currently in production look out for them on secondary markets Noble Knight Ebay
Valiant Enterprises Ltd old metal range of StarDate 3000 Space Ships
B3 Designs not Trek, not Galatica and not B5 ships and fighters
Winters Forge bio-ships and ground bugs
Ad Astra Games Traveller and Squadron Strike
Noble Knight great place to find out of production items at a fair market rate
Fantasy Flight Games Attack Wing, Armada plastic models
Zero Hour familiar yet different ship designs 3d resin
My-T Freighter Co Star Wars custom models 3d resin
Utar Ships Star Wars fleet scale & Armada
Hydra Miniatures - War Rocket retro SciFi
VBAM Games Victory by any Means metal starship fleets
ZandrisIV Miniatures currently OOP but stocked by Ground Zero Games
Reviresco Starguard metal starship range
Dark Nebula Games fleet packs 3d resin
Stars Reach pewter sci-fi spaceship miniatures by Travis Melton of Twilight Game Designs TJ. Micro-scale. Use with any rules
Strato Minis resin fighters and aerocraft 6mm
Homeworld Fleet Command coming soon board game with 440 plastic game pieces from four factions in the Homeworld setting
Combat Zone Scenery space station & terrain
Krakon Games Star Grind bio-ships
Scourge Scenics not Gothics 3d resin
Nightmare Landscapes A Billion Suns range 3d resin
FASA Shop Noble Armada ships
Little Metal Ships fighters and small craft
Miniatures Print on Demand
Due to the wide availability of 3D printing these services have come to dominate miniature production, but they can be expensive and quality varies. No endorsement intended if suppliers are unlicensed creators of popular genres.
Mega Sonic Punch Bits Blitz spacefleets
Laserforge Miniatures Grand Fleet Admiral fleets
After Dark Prints Grand Fleet Admiral fleets
Sly Zarbo Printing Battlefleet Gothic style ships
Rok Minis Grand Fleet Admiral fleets
National Cheese Emporium micro trek ships
Pulsefired Gaming print on demand service
Hardware Studios Consortium fleet, dropships & fighters
Shapeways have filed Chapter 11 these links are for the historical record
Shapeways - Marketplace search for starship
Shapeways - Starfire Models and Miniatures official Starfire fleets
Geektown Ebay
Etsy - Marketplace search for starship to see whats on sale here. BTW Etsy charges some of the highest commissions for sellers so maybe think about diversifying
Etsy - Dark Edge Games detailed large ships with an Expanse like background
Etsy - Soul Forge Games Gothics
Etsy - Scourge Scenics Wargaming Gothics
Etsy- Pulsefired Gaming Star Wars fleets
Etsy - Wes Janson 3d Star Wars
Etsy - Star Wars Armada Star Wars
Etsy - Ghoti Forge space terrain & fleet scale ships
Etsy - Geektown Official cylon and vipers, space 1963, Buck Rogers
Etsy - Creepy Hero Studios spaceships, fighters and corvettes
Etsy - K2C2 Creations wide range of ship styles and bio-ships from Astra Nebula kickstarter
Etsy - Thousand World Minis Halo analog ships UNSC, Human Alliance Battlefleet Gothic
Floor Trek custom Star Trek 3d FDM & resin
Miniatures Print at Home
Due to the wide availability of 3D printing these services where you buy/subscribe or just download a free STL file have become very popular. These are the most cost effective ways to build a fleet.
If you don't have a printer here is a list of 3D printers, who say they will do it on a commission basis. Caveat Emptor these supplies are not endorsed/vetted.
Modelwerks high quality multipart FASA ships and customisation kits scalable 1:300 to 1:3900
Starship STL files collection by Brendan of STL vendors
Facebook - 3D Drydock Starship Miniatures Facebook Group for STLs
Martian models modular bases & nice range of ships
Hardware Studios Consortium fleet, dropships & fighters
Game God Terrain A Billion Suns print your own fleets and terrain
Etsy - Onil Creations Star Wars Armada add ons
Pinshape - RFX Design fleet designs and bases for Full Thrust
The Resin Engine Star Wars
MyMiniFactory large STL vendor with lots of starship files they also have campaigns for crowd funded collections like Brave Sun
MyMiniFactory - Aotrs Shipyards SF fleets & armies
MyMiniFactory - Miniature Martin space punk, Flash Gordon, manga and gothic plus skyships and Yakult bottle kits
MyMiniFactory - Sable Badger / Brander Roullett a Billion Suns fleet collections, play-aids and space game terrain
MyMiniFactory - Grand Fleet Admiral Tabletop large collection of print your own fleets
MyMiniFactory - One Page Rules Nomads fleet
MyMiniFactory - EC3D Design Terra Conflict & Astra Nebula ranges of fleets, stations, bio-fleets & terrain
MyMiniFactory - Brander Roullett A Billion Suns Mellivoarn fleet and Little Green Men saucers
MyMiniFactory - Nomad Fleet by One Page Rules
Gumroad - Irrational Designs legendary designs for Voidstriker and lots more a huge range of fleets
Gumroad - Quickfire Miniatures proxy fleets for Star Trek, BSG, B5, Firestorm Armada, FASA Renegade Legion
Gumroad - Slightly Used Space Ships Yard Star Wars Armada & X-Wing add ons
Gumroad - Nomad Printworks Star Wars proxies
Yeggi - Full Thrust search for Full Thrust miniatures
Cults3d - Full Thrust search for Full Thrust miniatures
Cults3d - Fusion Shipyards gothic style ships
Cults3d - Captain Mojos FASA fleet FASA Star Trek reborn
Cults3d - G0ogleplex Todd Potes large collection of print your own ships
Cults3d - Smight Tharaxians fleet and some other ships
Cults3d - Tyrellohr B5, Star Trek, Star Wars mostly free and some paid models
Cults3d - Javelin98 microfleets and military SF models
Cults3d - Bwreynolds multiple fleets Black Sun Guild, UTF, Orion Republic, CSA, UFT, Garathian Empire, Civilian ships
Cults3d - FASA Fan FASA starships and defence stations including Alamo and Deathgame, modest fees to cover costs
Cults3d - Leo is Making FDM printer friendly fleets for Warfleet
Thingiverse - A Billion Suns Collection Windham Graves ships and movement tools
Thingiverse - Full Thrust Dustcrawlers fleet by Decrayer
Thingiverse - KJdidit not BFG fleet ships and not SFB ships
Thingiverse - Carlson793 not Orions & not Kzin
Thingiverse - T1ckl35 not Star Wars Republic and Separatists fleets, bases for A Billion Suns
Thingiverse - KJdidit range of not SFB style Star Trek & not BFG minis and 6mm terrain
Patreon - Floor Trek custom Star Trek
Patreon - Dark Edge Games large capital ships with a slight Battlefleet Gothic & Expanse feel
Patreon - Onil Creations Star Wars Armada add ons
Patreon - Slightly Used Space Ships Yard Star Wars Armada & X-Wing add ons
Patreon - Sable Badger Star Wars Legion, Stargrave, Five Parsecs from Home
Patreon - Cyberforge 5 Parsecs from home ships & characters
Patreon - Captain Mojo Shipyards FASA STSTCS range subscribe to support
Patreon - Floortrek excellent range of Star Trek ship models across range of races and timelines
Wargame Vault - Battlefront Valkyrie Fat Dragon Games, complete print at hone no supports FDM models with game cards.
Backerkit - Aesir Fleet, Expanse like large scale ships
Scratchbuilding miniatures
There are various ways to play games with low cost DIY miniatures or print your own counters
Computer core counters range of counters
Youtube - scratchbuilding videos so many useful videos and techniques
Facebook - Super Cheap Wargaming lots of content and ideas
Facebook - Starships Miniatures Gaming scratchbuilding posts
Other Miniature Listings
Resources which maintain a list of starship miniatures may be out of date:
SCN Orbital Shipyards Forum small scale providers forum the market is so fluid this is the only reliable way to track it
STL Providers list version for non Facebooks accounts
Miniature Scales
There are various scales of miniatures here is an overview for reference from the largest models (large scale) 1:2500 to the smallest models (small scale) 1:7000.
The actual scale ration varies within a category and some fleets that have huge ships would use a very small scale, think a Culture General Systems Vehicles (GSV) is 53 km long so a 5.3 cm model would be at 1:1000000.
Star Ranger SCN has in depth scale classifications of many popular gaming systems.
Fleet scale ~ 1:7000 large capital ships are a few inches while cruisers are about an inch. Fleet Action or Star Blazers is a game at this scale there are also a lot of miniatures on Shapeways or STLS files you can print. For example the micro machines Warbird and Enterprise are at fleet scale.
Squadron scale ~ 1:3500 the classic scale used by Full Thrust, Starline 2400 1/3788, FASA Star Trek 1/3900, ships are 2 - 6 inches in size.
Large scale ~ 1:2500 bigger ships several inches in size Star Wars Armada is a good example which has some huge ships, or playing with model kits around 1:2500, some Eaglemoss ships can be used at this scale, though they are not produced at a set scale due to huge size variations in the background.
Fleet scale ~ 1:3500 normally for playing with squadron scale starships multiple fighters on a stand for playing with Full Thrust.
Dogfight scale ~ 1:300 or 6mm these are models for tactical dogfighting rules like Starfighters! or Silent Death or games like Dirtside II.
Are you a miniature designer get your company, patreon, etsy, shapeways etc. listed here for free