Game Mats
Space Gaming Mats
Miniatures need a good space mat to play on. There are many available in different locations and of different materials these are the known suppliers. If something is missing please let the site know. Old but good review of mat options.
Mats come in a number of materials, vinyl, PVC, cloth, felt, fleece, mousemat or just printed paper.
Chessex Battlemat US Hex
Gamemat battle mats EU/UK
Geek Villain fleece mats EU/UK
Deepcut Studio custom mats EU/UK (poor quality/service reported though might be resolved )
Tiny Wargames custom mats EU/UK large range of custom mat components
Kraken Wargames, space sector mat EU/UK
Mats by Mars Space Mats US nice colorful maps - with or without hex
Warzone Studio, Hex overlay Armenia, global shipping
Zuzzy Miniatures US (unreliable)
Etsy - Grip Mats, Space mats, X-wing Global
Etsy - Tabletop Battlemats Global
Etsy - Space game mats Global
Uncharted Space PDF
Star Map PDF
Space Battle Mat PDF
APG Paper tiles - Space Digital
Make Your Own Mat
Some techniques that can be used for creating your own space gaming mats or to use other materials for a background. Making a hex mat for wargamingt
Lead & Plastic home made hex space mat tutorial using poker chips as a hex guide
Make your own battle mats YouTube
Make your own Battle mat for your Scifi Skirmish Wargames YouTube
Amazon backdrop this is a black light backdrop there are multiple brands and sizes you can also buy blacklights, these will need backing as they are polyester and slippery
Amazon shower curtain can be used but they are polyester & quite slippery so will need backing with cloth or non slip material